Rose Water

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100% Rose Water (comes in 4 oz & 8 oz)


Directions: You can use rose water in your daily beauty and skincare routine as you see fit. Use as a body mist, use as a facial toner, and/or add to bath. Combine with facial mask and oils or any DIY skincare products.

- 100% Pure

- Alcohol-Free

- No Parabens, Sulfates, Phthalates

Caution: Keep out of reach of children. If allergic reaction, irritation or discomfort occurs discontinue use.

Ingredients: Purified Water and Hydroessential Rose (Rosa Damascena)

Recommendations: Store product at room temperature. Expires in 6 months.


Benefits: Rose water has been used for thousands of years, even dating back to the middle ages. Rose water is a strong anti-inflammatory which can help treat aliments that are external and internal. It may help soothe irritation, eczema or rosacea. Rose water is a natural remedy used to prevent and treat infections. Rose water even has anti-aging properties which makes it the perfect product to add to your beauty routine. It is even scientifically proven that rose water can enhance your mood with its strong antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties.

Rose Water
Rose Water

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